sientists hold that gorgona, which lies 2 hours by motor launch from the village of guapi on the cauca province or 12 hours by boat from the port of buenaventura is a small piece of what would be the fourth chain of the andes.
according to this theory. gorgona is the crest of chain that starts in the province of esmeraldas in ecuador, then sinks into the pacific, to emerge again as the island of gorgona and, after submerging once more, reappears anew in the colombian region of choco'as aline of mountains called the serrania de baudo.
the island's isolation and the fac that no other species than those already existing there are allowed to be brought into it have made it possible to establish that 300 species of plant life, 18 species of snakes, 5 species of turtles, one of mammals (including 17 kinds of past) and innumerable fishes flourish together in gorgona as in a large garden of eden.
the island had more than 30 natural springs of water inhabited by animals ranging from frogs that carry their young on their backs to freshwater shrimps which often pass through the pipes laid by the prisioners into the houses now inhabitated by employees of inderena.
1) Gorgona island is closer to:
a) buenaventura
b) esmeraldas
c) guapi
d) serrania del baudo
2)las personas que habitan en gorgona se dedican a:
a) las ezportacion de la fauna marina
b) cumplir condenas como prisioneros
c) la explotacion de los recursos agricolas
d)la investigacion cientifica
3) the teory says that gorgona is:
a) the cresk of a chain that disappears into the pacific ocean
b) the cresk of a chain that starts in the province of esmeraldas in ecuador
c) the cresk of a chain that starts into the pacific ocean
d) the cresk of the serrania del baudo
4) the co-existence of different species is explained by:
a) the theory of the fourth chain
b) the island's isolation
c) the closenees to buenaventura's province
d) the closenees to the garden eden